yaydl - yet another youtube downloader (No longer maintained!)
yaydl - more than a youtube downloader!
Currently supports:
- youtube
- metacafe.com
- clipfish.de
- myvideo.de
- video.google.com
- vimeo.com
- dailymotion
- sevenload
- video.golem.de
- downloading of multiple videos "simultaneously"
- encoding from flv to xvid using mencoder or ffmpeg
- extracting the soundtrack of a video using ffmpeg or mplayer+lame
- md3-tagging of the extracted sound-files
- auto-renaming
- support for HD videos on youtube/dailymotion
- Getopt::Long
- LWP::UserAgent
- MP3::Info
- Term::ProgressBar
On debian-based systems, a apt-get install libwww-perl libgetopt-long-descriptive-perl libmp3-info-perl libterm-progressbar-perl will suffice.
Just run the included install file. :-)
Changelog Download the current version: